Multitherapeutic and biotechnological response to treatment of multiple organ failure of acute critical patients. The system performs various types of extracorporeal blood clearance in critical care through a novel personalised and integrated therapeutic approach: a single platform with a myriad of options. Developed and manufactured by Bellco — now part of Medtronic Renal Care Solutions.
Treatment Modes:
SLED – slow extended dialysis SCUF – slow continuous ultrafiltration CVVH – continuous veno-venous haemofiltration CVVHD – continuous veno-venous haemodialysis CVVHDF – continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration IHF-HVHF – intermittent haemofiltration – high volume haemofiltration IHD – intermittent haemodialysis IHDF – intermittent haemodiafiltration CPFA® - coupled plasma filtration adsorption HP – haemoperfusion* PEX – plasma exchange CASCADE FILTRATION – * ABYLCAP – CO2 removal ABYLCAP HD – CO2 removal with haemodialysis*
Cardio Renal Pediatric Dialysis Emergency Machine – the right device for the neonatal and pediatric patient with acute kidney injury.
Acute renal failure in neonatal intensive care units reaches incidence percentages ranging between 5% and 20% of the cases observed. CARPEDIEM was designed to offer a truly ‘neonatal’ device: miniature and portable, it responds to the safety and efficacy requirements for renal replacement therapies in neonatal patients.
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